Monday, December 29, 2014

Event Horizon 2014 Machinations.

Our calendars might tell us f a new year, but I can think of no better thing to do for 2015, but to do exactly what we've been doing in 2014... the "old" year. That is broadcasting the cutting edge of the audio medium 24/7 from artists all over the globe.

Beginning with the memories of overnight music on KNON FM in Dallas back in the 80's, and re-discovering the genre in the contemporary medium, we've taken quite a dive in to the deep end of modern music. Over the months since our launch, we've removed the more abrasive titles, artistic love aside, opting for ambient sound-scapes and more electronic artistry. Nothing is deadlier to a radio station, particularly one of the unique genre we fit, is listener fatigue. Entering the new year, it appears we are on the right track.

We've been complimented by you, the listener, on the quality of our sound. Thank you! The solution is made by a simple rule. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. Talk about listener fatigue. Some of these webcasters wash out their sound to the point where listening to their music is like listening to wall paper. If the release doesn't sound good to begin with, why bother programming it? EH is about the artist. Our sound is theirs.

Speaking of artists, every artist and piece we play is made available to the global public. If you hear something you like, do a simple web search for the artist. Many labels, here in the States and around the world, offer their music at no charge. One of the goals at EH is to bring to the collective global consciousness, an entire new world of music, free and open to explore, from every imaginable genre. If you complain that music today is awful, there is more out there. It's a new age.

Got featured on Streamfinder. That was pretty nice. Happily sporting the badge still!

Again, THANK YOU for tuning in. Listener stats continue to astound and delight everyone here who make this thing happen. The further we expand our on-air library, the more you listen and that is very encouraging.


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